Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Our mailman used to always come at 12:15. Now he comes around 3:30. I am not pleased about this.

Steve has actually been getting home by 6:30 this week. It's wonderful! He and Emma have been having such a great time playing together. Plus tonight I get to go to Stitch and Bitch for the first time in months!

Today Emma and I stopped at a thrift store. I was so excited to see two entire huge rows of board games. I LOVE board games! I managed to control myself and not buy Boggle Junior and Scrabble Junior, but I did get Hi-Ho Cherry-O, Chutes and Ladders, and Candy Land. I know she is probably still too young for those, but I couldn't help myself. At $1.99 each I couldn't pass them up!


Anonymous said...

I love your picture. I loved playing with my Dad when I was little, and horseback rides were the best.
I think I beat David to your update!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Abbie did beat me to your update. This is because I am basically uninterested in your blog.

Also, what is wrong with the following sentence? "Our mailman used to always come at 12:15." I suppose this is why you are only a master of the English language.

Sarah said...

Um, did I split the infinitive?

It should be "always used to come", right?

Anonymous said...

I just love being related to you guys!

Anonymous said...

I just love being related to you guys!

Anonymous said...

I need some help with this leaving comments thing! Why can't I ever fogure out how to get through with a user name and password?