Wednesday, January 11, 2006

David and Abbie just left. We had such a good time while they were here. It was nice to have someone else around to play House-in-the- Laundry-Basket with her.

Yesterday we went to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch and then to the Art Museum. Cheesecake Factory was good, museum, not so much. I can't decide if it was my fault for trying to bring Emma there, or the fault of the museum employees for being uppity child-hating snobs. Emma was being pretty darn good while we were there, but we were still getting dirty looks from all the security guards/ushers/people in suits/whatever they are who stand in every room and look over everything. It's not like she was knocking over sculptures or anything. Sure, there may have been a few fingerprints on the glass, but still... So at one point we were in a room and Emma spotted a duck in a painting. She let out a joyful, "Quack!", then was so pleased with the echo that she couldn't stop herself there. "Quack? Quack! QUACK! QUACK!" At that point one of the suit guys in the corner came over and said, "You need to keep that stupid kid quiet or get the heck out of here NOW!" Okay, so those weren't his exact words, but that was the essence of it. The other patrons stopped milling around silently to stare at us as I dragged Emma away. As we left the room, she called back to them (hopefully out of spite), "QUACK! QUACK QUACK QUACK! QUACK!"


Anonymous said...

I notice that you refrained from mentioning the results of our rousing game of Tripoley...

Chick in the Czech said...

Haha. Maybe it is better if you don't mention those results. David is now claiming that I owe him $1.80 plus ten pesos because of that game. I think I will just donate this money in his name to a charity of my choice.