Saturday, April 14, 2007

Something amazing has happened today. I have spent the last 3+ years nursing Emma to sleep for every nap and every bedtime. That is fine, of course, but now with another baby that is not so easy to do all the time. For Emma's nap today, I read her two books, then hung out and cuddled with her in the bed for a few minutes. I then explained that I was going to clean up the living room but I wanted her to stay in bed, and that I would be back to check on her in a few minutes. A couple minutes later I went in and she was just laying there talking quietly to her doll. I gave her a couple kisses, and the next time I went to check on her she was asleep! Incredible! Now that this worked so well today, I'm wondering if we could possibly do this at night time too.

I know I've said this a million times before, but I really want to create some sort of routine and stick to it. Like really really stick to it, unlike every time I've said this in the past. Our days are so unorganized and I'm craving some sort of order. Sometimes we eat lunch at 11:30, sometimes we eat lunch at 3:00. Sometimes Emma naps at noon, sometimes she doesn't start her nap until 4:00. Sometimes we get up at 7:00, sometimes we sleep until 10:00. I need to write out a loose daily schedule, starting with waking up every day at 8:00. I'm going to start setting an alarm to make sure we are awake at that time every day, and then do my best to actually get us all out of bed reasonably close to that time. If we start each day at the same time, it should be easier to do everything else at roughly the same time as well. At least I hope.

Here are a couple cute pictures of the new guy.


Anonymous said...

Noah reminds me so much of Steve. Good luck with Emma's naps and your schedule!

Chick in the Czech said...

Oh wow...he looks exactly like Steve in that last picture!

Stephanie said...

What a cute little guy you have there!!

I know my kid goes to sleep much easier if it's at the same time every day. I bet Emma would have an easier time going to sleep on her own with a schedule.

Good luck with the schedule! :-)

Anonymous said...

You have adorable children. That little boy is amazing. I know Emma enjoys him. Was good meeting your mother at the bridal shower.
You have a very nice family.

Sue said...

How gorgeous is your little Noah. What a cutie pie. Good luck with the routine thing. I think kids need routine, and we seem to have one except for when Isabelle needs to go to bed. I try and get her to bed by 8:00pm, but she never wants to go to sleep in her own bed. I put her in there once she is asleep, but last night was the first time she fell asleep in there and did not wake up at all until this morning either. She is 5 yrs old now and at school so maybe I should have been stricter much earlier on.

Katie said...

Awww! goochie goo! He is too cute!

supergirlest said...

hi, sarah! i don't know if you remember me or not, it's kara, i used to be on the kcap board...

first off - CONGRATS!!!!!! he. is. beautiful! and emma has grown so much!

i was hoping you might be able to help me - i;m trying to organize something to help catherine and her family out. could you email me?

thank you!!!!