Saturday, June 09, 2007

Someone told me about this Couch-2-5K running plan (thanks, Melinda!) and it sounded like just what I need. And, since this bad boy (minus the two cute kiddos) was delivered on Thursday I was all set.

There is even a great podcast that is mostly music, but also a voice that tells you when it's time to run or walk. With the help of the podcast and the cool new stroller, I actually really enjoyed my first workout yesterday. Of course, it's pretty easy at this point because I only had to run 60 seconds at a time.

Emma and I (well, mostly me) cleaned up her room a few days ago. I was so sick of her not cleaning up after herself (without lots of prodding) that I just let her room go for awhile and tried not to let it drive me crazy every time I walked by. It finally did start to drive me crazy, so yesterday we got it all picked up and organized. Now every night before she goes to bed, she and I are going in there and spending a few minutes picking everything up. I'm really going to make an effort to stick to this plan, because I can't stand to look at this disastrous mess anymore.

I am so tired these days. Every night I stupidly stay up way too late because once everyone is asleep, I am so happy to have time to myself. I'm usually holding a sleeping baby, but at least I get to sit at the computer or read without interruptions. Then, Noah always wakes up early in the morning and I have to get up with him or he will start to make too much noise and wake Emma. I change his diaper and nurse him, then put him in the swing where he promptly falls asleep. That would be a good time for me to go back to bed, but by that point I'm always thinking that I could get such-and-such done if I just stayed up. For example, last night I stayed up until 3:00, then had to get up this morning at 7:00. Blah. But, since I've been up, I've managed to fold a load of diapers, do the dishes, scrub the kitchen, and now update my blog. However, now Emma is awake so my time to do anything efficiently is officially over.


Anonymous said...

That stroller looks great! Hope you enjoy using it. The kids in it are pretty cute too.

earthchick said...

I'm getting ready to start the Couch to 5K thing too, as soon as I get new running shoes. I'm so psyched! And glad to hear that the podcast helped - I've got it downloaded and ready to go.

I totally hear you on the exhausted thing, and on how hard it is to go to bed once the kiddos are asleep. It is so nice to have a quiet house, and to know they aren't going to need anything for hours, and to be able to just do what I want to do. But sleep? Yeah, that would be nice too....

Melinda said...

Oh yay, I'm glad it was a helpful comment. It really really works -- trust the program if you start to have doubts. I'm still in shock that I'm a runner!

Stephanie said...

I love the babies in the stroller! So cute!! I can't wait to hear how you like it after you've had it for a while.

Something to think about on the bedroom stuff, one of the things I've learned is when kids have too much stuff, it's too overwhelming to them to keep clean. Maybe it's time to get rid of some stuff? Just a thought! :-)

Anonymous said...

I think OC Mama has a good point. Could you pack half the stuff into Rubbermaid containers in the basement?

David said...

I have trouble with the going to sleep at a reasonable hour, as well. Unfortunately, I don't have a single piece of advice on the subject, so I hope you figure out how to deal with it.