Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Noah started preschool yesterday, and it was apparently a huge success. This morning he was looking for his backpack before he even got dressed, and he started to cry when I told him that there was no preschool today.He was SO excited yesterday morning that I think it was killing him to have to wait until 9:30 to go. He wore his backpack for an hour before it was even time to leave, and he must have asked me how much longer about fifty times.When we walked in the classroom, his teacher greeted him and in response he said, "I'm excited to be at school!" He walked over to a shelf full of toys and sat down without even a backward glance at us. Steve asked if he wanted some good-bye hugs and kisses, and he just sort of shrugged and said no. Allie was a little too insistent for that, and after several shrieks of, "Kiss! KISS! KISS!", Noah finally looked up from the toys to give her a kiss.Of course, that still wasn't quite enough and she had to give him several hugs before we actually left. Luckily, she spent most of the time he was there taking a long nap, so she didn't even really have time to miss him. I did miss him though, and was glad when he happily jumped up and ran to me for a hug as soon as I picked him up.


Laura said...

Such sweet sibling pics! How heart-warming for Noah to be so excited to go to preschool, surely that eased any worries you might have had. Do the teachers appreciate having a scrapbooking mom in their midst? Beautiful pictures!

Mom said...

I also loved the pictures, and marveled at the difference between my taking one First Day of School Picture of you guys standing on the porch, compared to this little photo essay of Noah's first day.

Because of your new blog layout I just noticed that you just celebrated the fifth anniversary of your blog! That is such a big deal that I think you should write a post about it, and your loyal readers can leave complimentary comments, thanking you for the enjoyment we have received over the past five years from your blog!

Katie said...

That is incredibly sweet! That's great that Noah loves school so much, and very endearing that Allie was so insistent on hugs & kisses, even as noah was playing. :)

Mary Beth said...

What a sweet boy you have!

Christina said...

Oh my goodness!! Our kiddos are growing up soooo fast!!!! :( Yay for Noah LOVING preschool! That last picture is just to die for!!