That was sweet little Noah, four years ago today. Whenever one of my kids has a birthday, I always find myself thinking back to the day they were born. This morning while Allie and I strolled through Target at 11:00, I told her that four years ago at that exact moment, I knelt down to buckle Emma into the stroller and my water broke all over the driveway. Allie didn't seem too interested, but I am happy to think back to that day when Noah came into our lives.
I'm convinced that kid might be the sweetest little boy who ever lived. He is super affectionate, and is a wonderful cuddler. He comes into our room every night, crawls into bed, and quietly asks, "Mommy, can we cuddle?" One night he didn't come in, and in the morning when Steve and I realized he had stayed in his own bed all night, we both felt sad that maybe his cuddling days were over. Luckily, that was just a fluke, and he has been in every night since. He is generally pretty sweet to his sisters, too. A few weeks ago my parents were visiting and the kids were going somewhere in their car. Noah told my dad that he wanted to sit next to Emma, and when my dad asked why, Noah said, "Because I love her." Awww. That really warms my heart. (When my dad then asked him if he wanted to sit next to Allie, his response was a little less sweet: "No. She bites!")

The kids and I went to my parents' house over the weekend and we celebrated Noah's birthday while we were there, in addition to going bowling, playing laser tag (which was SO fun!), making a train out of chairs, and playing lots of games. Tonight he wants to go to Minsky's for dinner, and I made an
Oreo ice cream cake to take along. I wanted to do something different than regular cake, since we just had that over the weekend, but yesterday he told me he was excited about his train cake. Oops. I hadn't been planning to do any special decorating, so hopefully he'll be content if I just pipe a train track and slap a toy train on the top.

We made M&M cookies for him to bring to preschool today, and Allie and I are going this afternoon to read a book to his class while they eat their treats. I'm starting to get a teeny bit nervous about it, even though I realize it's silly to be nervous about reading a book to a bunch of preschoolers. Still, I know Noah will be excited when Allie and I get there, and hopefully the kids will be too busy munching on their cookies to pay much attention to my reading!
Awwww!!! Great post. Happy Birthday Sweet Noah!!!
I remember being at the gas station in Columbia, as I was speeding towards your house, and when I called Steve he said, "Sarah's having the baby at home right now!" By the time I got there, the midwife was gone and your little family of four was sitting on the couch together! What a great way to have a baby!
The Oreo ice cream cake looks wonderful!
Such great Noah stories. Hope he has a wonderful birthday and that you survived the book reading.
Happy Birthday, beautiful Noah! I hope that you all had a fun day and we are looking forward to celebrating this weekend!
What book did you read?
I read a Thomas book that Noah likes, as well as a book about rain and one about five little monkeys baking a surprise cake for their mom. The second two were ones he picked out from his classroom. It was fun and afterward I felt pretty silly for being nervous beforehand!
Happy belated birthday to Noah!! I agree with you, he is one of the sweetest little boys I know. Reminds me a lot of Tim when he was that age.
Happy, happy birthday to Noah, and many more!
It sounds like Noah had a great birthday. Every time I pass through your area I think I need to stop by and meet your gang. It never ceases to amaze me how much your kids look like you and your brothers!
Happy late birthday to Noah! I love the train chairs, looks like a fun family time. Glad the reading went well.
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