Monday, October 24, 2005

I finished dyeing the remainder of our prefolds yesterday. They look so pretty! Emma had a good time this morning playing in a sea of colored prefolds.

Emma has a funny habit of saying "HUH?" after we say something to her. It's very similar to Steve's wonderful great uncle, whose ears apparently don't work as well as they used to, because it's hard to get a sentence out without him yelling "HUH?" in the middle. We joke that she's been spending too much time with him. Every day, we have many conversations that go something like this:

"Do we need to change your diaper?"
"Do we need to change your diaper?"
"Do we need to change your diaper?"
"Do we need to change your diaper?"
"Do we need to change your diaper?"
"Do we need to change your diaper?"
"Do we need to change your diaper?"
"Do we need to change your diaper?"
"Do we need to change your diaper?"
"Do we need to change your diaper?"
"Do we need to change your diaper?"
"Do we need to change your diaper?"

Next time I'll have a different line; hers is always the same. What a goofy kid.

My car, which was terrible to begin with, just got a little worse. My lock on the passenger side broke, so now I have to unlock the car on the driver's side, then walk around and put Emma in on the passenger's side, then walk back to my side. Normally not such a big deal, but not so pleasant in the rain. Especially when you figure that the rain has already been pouring into my car from the leaks in the roof, permeating the air with a damp mildewy smell. Lovely. I SO want another car. I always swore I'd never drive a minivan, so I am somewhat embarassed to admit that I've had serious minivan envy lately. I see those moms walking out to their vans in parking lots. The vans' doors are already open, beckoning to the mother and her children with the promise of plenty of space and good safety ratings. Then I am there, in the next space over, trying to fold myself into the miniature backseat and get Emma safely in without bumping her head on the ceiling. As we rattle out of the parking lot in my little matchbox, I look longingly after that minivan mom, gliding smoothly and comfortably out of the lot. Sigh.


Anonymous said...

David and I used to dread the day we'd have to get a minivan, but it took us about two seconds to fall in love with it. They really are fabulous... Automatically opening doors are AMAZING - you're right. They are one of the biggests benefits.

Your prefolds look fabulous! What kind of dye did you use?

Anonymous said...

Sweet. When can I buy that awesome car from you?
The passenger door on my car also does not unlock from the outside. This is actually a rather sweet deal because I don't have to open the door first for Abbie, which is very obnoxious and tiresome.

Anonymous said...

That's funny that you say that, since you always try to unlock the door even though we both know your efforts are futile.