Friday, November 04, 2005

Last weekend I bought the Annie DVD for myself because I remember liking it as a kid and I wanted to own it again. Emma loves it. She is seriously infatuated with it. I have to hide the case or she will follow me around with it, whining for me to turn it on. When it is on, the minute it ends she runs to the TV and tries to start it over. We've been singing the songs all day, every day. I'm about Annied out.

How do you teach an only child about sharing? Yesterday we had a playdate here with two other very sweet and darling little boys and Emma was very possessive with her things. I was embarassed but I don't know how she will learn to let others use her things, when there are very rarely others around. We have a pillow that she lays on on my lap to nurse to sleep in the afternoons, and sometimes the dogs will lay on the pillow. She gets really upset when they do, even if she wasn't using it. When that happens, we go get a pillow out of the bedroom for Emma and talk about how it's nice to share because the dogs like the pillow too. Other than that, I don't know what else to do.

I have a confession. Emma has a strange rash around the tops of her legs that won't go away, so two days ago I decided to try using disposable diapers for awhile to see if it helped. When I went to Stitch and Bitch, Steve went to the store to buy some diapers. I told him to just buy a small pack of generic ones, but he returned with this monstrous package of Pampers. I've been using them, ...and now for the confession...and loving it! I feel guilty, but it's so nice to not have diapers to wash and for Emma's clothes to actually fit. I think I'm going to let myself use them for one week, then go back to her regular ones. The rash does seem to be getting better, by the way.


Anonymous said...

"I've been using them, ...and now for the confession...and loving it!"

You are a bad mother. You are also a bad sister.

Anonymous said...

Killy is soooo much more possesive with his own toys here at our house than when we're at playgroups. I know exactly what you mean about it being embarassing. Last week a mama and sweet little boy came over and Killy didn't want to share anything and then locked the little boy in our guest room! I'm pretty sure that was an accident, though...

I've come to the conclusion that I think I'm just going to cloth diaper my kids for about the first 8-9 months. Exclusively breastfed baby poo is sooo much easier to deal with than toddler poo, I'm just not willing to do cloth diapers with older kids. I figure I'm still making a significant difference in cost and environment...

Katie said...

ohhh Bad girl! LOL They really are easier. But ohh soo ugly.

The sun'll come out TOMARROW!! Now it's in my head!

Anonymous said...

I could have sworn I posted a comment... Anyway...
Please, no sweat at all about Emma the other day. She is SO sure of herself that she is willing to exert her opinions confidently at such a young age! How cool is that? THAT is more important right now then if she wants to share a teddy bear or not. Will still is learning about the whole "sharing" concept and how to handle his strong desire to POSSESS. lol. And since we are all mamas in the same boat, the best we can do is be understanding of each other and of each child's development stage and try to help them sort out all those emotions. Um, you know - distract, distract, distract until we're blue in the face. : )

Also - yay for you for going back to cloth. I hang my head in shame. : ) Life seems to be getting more manageable for me these days so I'm hoping to get back to cloth - at least for while we are at home - soon. I was totally admiring your, um, Emma's stash the other day. I don't know if its safe to hang out with you and Emma, though. It makes me just ACHE for a baby girl! : )