Monday, January 09, 2006

I am walking on air. Emma was asleep by 9:00 last night, and this morning we actually made it to a 9:30 playgroup! I am SO incredibly thrilled with the success of this plan. Last night after Emma was asleep, I was able to sit by myself and watch Wedding Crashers, drink tea, and knit uninterrupted for three hours. Heaven.

Steve is out of town this week, but the good news is that my brother David and his girlfriend Abbie are coming tonight to visit for a few days. I think tomorrow we're going to the Art Museum and to lunch on the Plaza.

Last week at my mom's house, Emma said my brothers' names (Andy, David, and Peter) for the first time. Now whenever she's playing with a toy phone or a cell phone, she says into the receiver, "Annie? Date? Pert?" She is too cute.


Katie said...

I'm excited for you! Sounds like you're reclaiming a little bit of your life back. :) Give Emma kisses & hugs from me!

Katie said...

I'm totally jealous!