Monday, January 23, 2006

If you can stand it, here's another post about Emma's cuteness. We just got a Wheels on the Bus book, and on the page where the babies on the bus go wah, wah, wah, there is a picture of a stressed-out looking mom holding two very upset babies. We never make it any farther than that page, because when we get there, Emma always insists that I nurse the babies so they won't be sad anymore. I've been nursing that book several times a day ever since we got it.

Last time I was at my mom's, our toilet paper ran out, so Steve had to go by some. I'm always the one who gets it (and changes it), so he doesn't know about the magic of double rolls. He bought this gigantic package of all single rolls. Ever since then I feel like all I've been doing is changing the empty rolls! How did anyone ever get anything done before there were double rolls???


Anonymous said...

That is just precious! I guess babies who wean early don't remember what a joy and comfort nursing is.

Anonymous said...

Whoa. I hardly recognize the place. How did you figure out all this stuff?

Anonymous said...

Cute, cute, cute. Everything about this blog is freakin' cute! : )
We had your Chili tonight and your Sweet Potato Burritos the other day. Yum! Will was a little hesitant about the burritos until I told them they would make him super strong. Then he would take a bite and then growl, show his muscles and fly around the house. : )