Thursday, June 15, 2006

Emma is a funny kid. She does the weirdest stuff.

Yesterday we were reading a book about five little ducks who get dressed to play in the snow. Emma got so excited about the snow that she put on her own boots, sweater, and hat, and insisted we go outside and play in the snow. When we got outside, she was so disappointed to find no snow that she actually cried. :( Not only did she want to keep wearing the snow garb in ninety degree weather, but she called to everyone who walked by, "Ready for snow!"

Then today she donned a bathrobe and birthday headband and refused to take them off to go to the store. Lots of people stopped to talk to her and she told them all proudly, "Ready for a bath!" They all of course asked her if it was her birthday and she, of course, told them all that it was. I felt like a big old meanie telling them it was, in fact, months after her actual birthday.

Also, she has discovered static electricity. She now asks to watch TV, but only so she can stand right next to it and laugh at her crazy hair.


Shawn said...

Sara, is that pink sweater from the gap??? Bethany has the same one! :) She is the cutest!

David said...

I seem to recall your doing startlingly similar things when you were two years old. Like mother, like daughter, like psycho.

Stephanie said...

What a cutie!!

Amelia has the same pink hat. :-)

Chick in the Czech said...

Emma looks a lot like your mom in the bathrobe picture (not because your mom wears bathrobes to the grocery, but because of her little smile).

Katie said...

haha! She is too cute!