Thursday, March 12, 2009

Last weekend my brother Andy came in from South Korea for the first time in almost a year, so the kiddos and I spent a few days at my parents' house hanging out with him and catching up.
Even though they hadn't seen him in so long, Emma and Noah didn't waste any time suckering him into playing with them. But really, who doesn't love a tea party?He brought us all gifts, including some snacks. I like to think I'm fairly adventurous in trying new foods, but I could not bring myself to eat those little dried fish. They still have eyeballs, for crying out loud! No eyeballs for me, thanks.


Anonymous said...

Andy and I loved this cute post!

Tresa said...

I don't think about this kind of thing at all, because I'm a happily married woman, but it's totally hot when a grown man will sit down to have tea parties with little kids.


Chick in the Czech said...

Haha it is weird to think of Andy as "hot". I like the last picture.

Hamons said...

Love the tea party pic! And really, who doesn't love a tea party w/ adorable kids? Looks like a great visit.

Katie said...

LOL! I'm with you on the eyeballs thing...i'm definitely not that adventurous.

I'm glad you had such a good visit, i'm sure it was so nice to have Andy home again. And what a great uncle to have a tea party with Emma!!