Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Something terrible happened today. A little background - about six months ago a new family moved in across the street. They were really sweet and friendly, and had a little girl and a new baby. About a month ago they bought the cutest little yellow lab puppy, which their daughter named Girl. The problem was that they just always let Girl out their front door and she would run around to all the neighbors' houses. I don't mind her being around, but running around in the street is certainly not safe. Three separate times, I walked her back across the street and rang their bell, making sure to mention that I was worried about her crossing the street. Pretty soon I figured out that they just didn't care (AAAHHHHHH!!) so I stopped bringing her back. Today Emma and I got home from the store, and Girl was there to meet us. She wanted to play but I had groceries to put away, so I literally had to carry her out of our garage so I could close the door and go inside. About five minutes later, through our open windows, we heard some brakes squeal and then the most horrible screaming noise I have ever heard. I knew right away what it was. I went outside and three kids and the driver of the car were standing there, watching Girl in the street. The neighbors ran out, so I went back inside, where I sat on the couch with Emma and cried. This was hours ago and I can't get the picture of her or the terrible noises she was making out of my mind. After a few minutes her crying stopped. I looked out the window and she was dead. I am so, so upset that my daughter had to see that and that our neighbor's carelessness led to this. I'm also mad at myself because every single day I was angry about that dog running loose in the street, and I never did anything about it. The woman who hit her clearly felt terrible, and I feel awful for her too. I don't like our neighbors anymore.


David said...

Oh no. That sounds like a disaster. Poor Girl...

Anonymous said...

oh my, I have heard that horrible squeal once before, when we lived on a busy road, and there is nothing like it. I'm so sorry.

By the way, I really enjoy your blog and reading about you and your sweetie.

I know what you mean about sort-of-almost being ready to wean. I forget how old your daughter is, but I've nursed a lot of years, so I will give you the little nudge to stick it out. So many good reasons to keep up the good stuff.

take care!

Anonymous said...

Oh, no, how horrible. But what could you have done about the dog running loose?

earthchick said...


I'm so sorry you and Emma had to hear/see this. I swear, some people ought not be allowed to own animals. Poor little innocent doggy. :(

Anonymous said...

Oh no. How horrible. But Sarah, you did do something, by returning the dog to your neighbor's three separate times until you realized that it didn't help. What else could you have done? I'm proud of you for doing that! That is more than many people these days would have done.

HUGS to you and Emma.