Saturday, January 20, 2007

Ugggg. It is 3:14 a.m. and I am so tired I can barely think. Tonight we were all exhausted so we were in bed and asleep by 9:30. Emma, who seemed perfectly fine before going to bed, woke us up an hour later by throwing up what seemed like gallons of vomit - all over herself, me, the sheets and comforter, and two of the three pillows in the bed. Fun. We gave her a bath and pulled off the sheets and everything, but the mattress was too wet to go back to bed there. We got out all our blankets and made a bed on the floor in the living room. We slept there for awhile, although I didn't sleep much because every time I heard a little tummy gurgle or hiccup, I jumped up to put a bowl in front of Emma's mouth so she wouldn't puke all over us again. She did throw up again, in the bowl - whew! - and afterwards wanted to come back here and "nurse pillow", which means I am sitting here at the computer while this poor pukey-smelling, crusty-haired kid sleeps fitfully on my lap. She hasn't thrown up since she was about ten months old, so I guess we were due, but still. I suspect tomorrow is not going to be a fun day.


Anonymous said...

Oh no! I hope today is better than you anticipate.

David said...

Yikes. That sounds like a rough night for all involved. Maybe she should have puked on Jose and Paco, and then they wouldn't want to sleep in the bed anymore.

Anonymous said...

Oh, poor thing. : (
I've become seasoned at pukey management. Layer your bed with blankets (wool if you have any) and then each time she pukes, pull that layer off and go back to bed. Bowl by the bed is good of course, but we always seemed to miss it.
The boys sucked on dried (sugared) ginger and loved it. Drink peppermint water but not late when you want to sleep.
Good luck. It lasted a week with Jack.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and aren't you glad you co-cleep? It terified me to hear Jack puking while sleeping on his back. I was always able to wake up and turn him over.

Anonymous said...

I hope Emma is much better now and you are all out playing in the beautiful snow.