Does anyone know any magic secret for how to get a baby to not cry in the car? Allie HATES the carseat and cries the whole time whenever we go anywhere. With my other kids, if I stopped and nursed them in the carseat they would usually calm down, but with Allie it isn't that easy. She gets so upset that she won't even nurse when she's in her carseat - she just want to get out. I've been trying to limit our diving, but we do have to buy groceries, take Emma to and from school, etc. I just hope she gets used to it soon because it's so hard for me to listen to her cry and know there's nothing I can do about it.
My parents and grandma came for a short visit this weekend. Steve was working most of the time so it was great to have them here to fill up the weekend for us. Having three other adults around to hold babies, read books to kids, do crafts with Emma, and mow the grass sure makes things easy for me!