Monday, January 07, 2008

We have had a few whirlwind weeks around here what with the holidays, vacations, and remodeling. Today is the first day in awhile that I feel like I can just be free to putter around the house, trying to get caught up with everything. A couple days before Christmas we found out some exciting, although shocking and completely unexpected, news: we're expecting Baby Number Three! Although we've known for a couple weeks now, I feel like I'm still trying to wrap my brain around having another baby so quickly after Noah. We did not want to have another baby until he was three, but in the end I think it will be fine and we will be thrilled to add another member to our family.

I have two concerns about this, although both are luckily pretty short term. When I was pregnant with Noah, my milk dried up almost immediately. It didn't matter much then because Emma was already two years old, but Noah is only nine months and I don't want to cheat him out of breastmilk that he deserves. I was so sad thinking that I would probably have to bottle-feed him formula, but my wise and wonderful friends had some better ideas. My milk seems to be fine for now, but if I notice my supply start to decrease, I'm going to order a Lact-Aid and supplement him with that. I also had some selfless mamas email me and offer to pump milk to give him if necessary, and another mama loaned me her pump so I could start building up a stash of my own while I still have milk. In the end, I may still have to supplement with formula, but at least with the Lact-Aid he will continue to nurse throughout the pregnancy and I won't have to worry about him weaning prematurely. If it all works like I hope it will, Noah will just continue nursing when the new baby comes and he won't even miss a beat.

My other concern is dealing with hyperemesis again. It has not been long enough since the first trimester of my last pregnancy that I have forgotten it at all, and I feel like I am not ready to go through it again. Saturday I threw up everything I ate until about 8:00 at night, but other than that I've been doing well so far. I lost 14 pounds the first trimester with Emma, and over 20 during those first awful months with Noah, and I really don't have that weight to lose right now, especially since Noah is still almost exclusively nursing. So anyway, please send me some good don't-get-sick thoughts!

Tomorrow I will hopefully have some pictures to make up for how boring this blog has been lately!


Shawn said...

OH MY GOSH CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!! I was wondering you had a beautiful glow to you when we met a few weeks ago :) Now let's hope you're fertility rubs off on me :)

Chick in the Czech said...

Everybody is excited about this baby. You are so lucky to have two and one on the way! I was going to suggest buying a pump and just building up a supply in case, but it looks like someone already thought of that!

Christina said...

YAY!!! YAY!!!! YAY!!!! Maddie was 9 months old when we got unexpectedly preggo again! It's really not all "that" bad! CONGRATS!!! Here's to an easier pregnancy than last time! I hope your milk is abundant!! Good Luck!!

Nicki said...

Congratulations and best of luck-you're really going to be busy now!

Anonymous said...

This post is as opposite of boring as can be! We are so excited for your little, growing family, and hope and pray you don't get so sick this time.

Anonymous said...

Our daughters children are close and they have good times together.
Hope its just one our son and his wife have twins born in Dec. they have a son just turned 4 so he's about Emmas age.
Just hope that you aren't as sick as you were with Noah.
So Exciting.

Potager Life said...

Wow, what exciting news! And a most beautiful project to start the new year off with :) Does this mean an October due date? Well wishes to you in regards to the sickies and the nursing, sending good thoughts about those your way... Take care!

Mary Beth said...

Sarah, I send you all good wishes and hope you don't get sick at all this time and Noah nurses through the whole pregnancy. Congratulations!

amy h said...

Congrats! I hope that every pregnancy really is different, and you don't feel so sick this time! I have no breastfeeding advice -- we're hobbling along with that around here.

Anonymous said...

I am very excited for you.

Katie said...

agh!! congrats!! how exciting/scary!!